Friday, February 22, 2008

top of the food chain

In the harsh world of retail, shoppers can be divided into two categories: Gatherers and Hunters.

Gatherers are perfectly satisfied grazing through the racks of new Spring merchandise, wracking up hefty credit card bills as they methodically hand-pick their favorite pieces, sparing no expense for quality (and quantity!) from their favorite designers.

Hunters, on the other hand, take a more merciless, cutthroat approach.
Forget Survival of the Fittest; more like Survival of the Hippest.

I am a Hunter. A cold, calculating Hunter who pillages* bargain bins, clearance racks, and outlet malls. With fierce resolve, I attack my Spring shopping with one simple, yet unyielding principle: I want all the current trends, and I refuse to pay full price for anything.
*ok, so I'm a hunter and a pirate, apparently. You get the idea.

Granted, upholding this principle is not easy. It takes patience and more than a little practice to sniff out the sales. But trust me, once you get your first taste of a delicious deal, it's hard to turn back.

And now, with a little help from ClayValet, I can finally conquer a new realm: online shopping. 

I recently took my meaty list of Spring must-haves and threw it to a new pack of wolves, the ClayValet shoppers. The catch? everything MUST be under $100. Here's what they came up with (NOTE: most of these finds were so good, we featured them on Northwest Afternoon):
2. thin belt in a bright color

Bottom line: if you're looking for a fierce deal this season, try ClayValet. Because, if you're not a born Hunter--or even if you are!--it never hurts to enlist someone else to make your kill for you. You can still take all the credit.

I think Darwin would be proud.

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